Wednesday, June 11, 2008

So Much Uncertainty

Right now, I feel very vulnerable about everything that relates to the Fulbright. There is still so much unknown, and I keep waiting to hear from somebody -- anybody! -- about what I do next. I remember before I went to Poitiers, I got so many handouts and how-tos and whatnot about every step of the process in getting to France.

Step One: Walk to the Post Office.
Step Two: Pick up a Passport application (if you do not know where it is, ask someone).
Step Three: Fill out Passport application.
Step Four: Send Passport application.

At least, that's what it felt like. Now, I have a feeling I will be on my own. It is MY responsibility to contact the French Embassy and find out what immunizations or medical examinations I need before leaving the country. It is MY responsibility to find out when Visa applications are due. And it is MY responsibility to set up a French bank account. Thankfully, I've done all these before...then again, that was almost five years ago. I've forgotten what I did to get my Visa, and I'm pretty sure I remember signing my life away to Crédit Agricole when I signed up for a checking account.

But the French Embassy? They aren't listed in the Corvallis Yellow Pages. Sure, I've called them before, but I was calling one specific person for one specific purpose (that purpose being returning her phone call). Now I don't know who to call! "Oui, bonjour. Is there, ummm...any medical tests I need to take before going to France?...Who do I talk to, then?...Oh, I need to call THAT number?...Got it." (*insert embarrassed look here*)

I like to be prepared about everything, and right now I just feel so unprepared that it's unnerving. I still have plenty of time to get everything done, but...I just want to know what I should be thinking about doing?

Is that really so much to ask?

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