Monday, June 2, 2008

Catalan For Beginners

For the past few days, I have been googling Perpignan like mad. Maps, Google Earth, tourist websites, school websites -- I've pretty much seen them all. And one thing I have found is this: Perpignan is a bilingual city, speaking both French and Catalan. In fact, many of the students at the high school where I will teach speak Catalan.

This means that I get to learn a new language! Only this time, I am on my own. So, on Saturday I went up to Powell's and bought myself a "Teach Yourself Catalan" guide -- complete with a 2-disk CD set and a how-to book. So I'm learning. Only I'm limited to the basic conversation skills that remind me of my first year of high school. "Hola, bon dia! Com va? Bé, gràcies" and "Jo sóc la Sarah. Com es diu?"

For many people, I assume, it would seem like a hassle to have to learn a new language over a summer -- but for me, I am stoked! How fun will it be to come back to the States and say, "yeah, I'm fluent in both French and Catalan..." Nice.

The region of Catalonia itself (just FYI) extends from just south of Barcelona to just north of Perpignan, and is isolated along the coastline. It's apparently a beautiful area (the Spanish man I ran into at Powell's told me so). You just can't beat mountains and blue waters side by side. I cannot wait to go!

Perpignan and the Pyrennes, France

1 comment:

Lisa Ede said...

Wow! Learning a new language over the summer--but I'm sure you can do it, at least enough to communicate with your students.

The area of France where you'll be living and teaching certainly looks beautiful, Sarah. And the mix of Spanish and French cultures/languages should be fascinating.