Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Refresher Course in Coolness

Yesterday I started teaching again at school after my looooong and wonderful break. I have a new schedule now, even though there isn't a new semester. I see a few new classes, but mostly the same faces each week. There are good things about my new schedule: no class on Friday every other week, one shorter week, and fewer obnoxious students. There are, however, bad things about my new schedule: the new class at 8 am on Tuesdays, and the 4 hour gap between classes on both Tuesdays and Thursdays. But still, all things considered, it will be good to change things up a bit halfway through my year.

I had my first new class this morning, where I went through the motions again of introducing myself, telling where I am from, and explaining that I don't know any celebrities, no matter how much they want that to be true. "I'm Sarah," I told them, "and I'm the new English assistant." And one of the boys in the back yelled out (in French), "And a good-looking assistant, too!" "What's your phone number?" I totally blushed. Reminded me of the beginning of the year, when I had a lot of embarrassing questions asked.

After seeing the same classes for the past four months, I'll admit that it is nice to have fresh students who are excited to have an American in the classroom with them. The others have gotten used to seeing me every other week, so it's nice to have a little anticipation for the day's lesson. Feels nice to be appreciated. I'm sure every teacher loves that.

I have other new classes for the rest of the week, and I'm both looking forward to and dreading the same ol' questions: "Do you know Brad Pitt?" "Califoooooornia! Yeah! Do you know San Fransisco?" and "You like McDonald's?"

Oh well. At least I'm cool again.

1 comment:

Natasha Luepke said...

"Me and Brad Pitt hang out at McDonald's all the time."