Monday, October 6, 2008

I'd like to thank the Academy, and, surprisingly, McDonald's

It's true that McDonald's is the true American Embassy. With familiar food, free bathrooms, and free internet, it is a little piece of home. Still, even though there is one right across from the high school where I am teaching, I only come here for the internet (I don't have WiFi yet installed in my room). It's funny, though, to see rail-thin women both working at and buying food from McDonald's (called Macdo here). For all the hoopla that France has made about McDonald's taking over their country, I must admit that it is much more healthy than our American version. They have smaller portions, much more fruit to choose from, strawberry milkshakes that actually taste like strawberries, unsalted fries, and fresh salads. Amazing. Still, I am only here for the internet.

Thanks to Macdo, I was able to reconnect myself with civilization. I now have Skype, for those of you who also have it. My Skype name is, so please feel free to give me a "call"!!

If you would like my address or phone number here in France, please send me an email at, and I will happily give it to you! Hope to hear from you soon!

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