Monday, May 26, 2008

The "Congratulations!" Letter

Although I've never had a "formal" blog of my own before (unless MySpace counts), I am excited to begin this one. This is meant to serve as a space where family, friends, and (I hope) future Fulbrighters will be able to track my adventures in France from beginning to end. What I noticed when I first went to France was that I wanted as much information about the process I was going through and where I was going -- but I simply could not find it! This blog, I hope, will partially answer those questions for similarly-curious minds.

And thus the blog begins...

I found out on February 1st that I was being considered for a Fulbright, and that I would hear before mid-May. Most people, the notice told me, would hear in April. And so I waited. And waited. And waited.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love France, but they're slow. There's just no getting around that. So when mid-May passed, and I still hadn't heard from them, that's when I started to get worried. Then I got The Big Envelope (it's a good sign when you get that one; when I applied two years ago, I got the little envelope with the rejection letter...sad day), which began:

"Dear Miss Gallup, on behalf of the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, I am pleased to congratulate you on your selection for a Fulbright award to France..."

My roommates were there, and I'm sure they remember how loud I screamed after I saw that. Of course, I was excited!

But, like everything French, there are still many unknowns. For instance, I have no idea where I will be placed! And I have no idea when I find that out. Past Fulbrighters have been placed in the Parisian suburbs (gross!), in Paris proper (gross, but slightly less gross), and Perpignan (in southern France -- oh please, oh please, send me there!!!). Of course, I have been researching the cities like mad, but I still don't know if the Fulbright Commission chooses my location, or if I have any say in where I am placed.

Also, I have a REALLY long medical form to fill out in the next two weeks. I have to have a super-comprehensive medical exam. Seriously, why do I have to be checked for sickle cell anemia? I guess I'll know how healthy I am after all these tests!

That's a long entry to begin with. When I write, I'm long-winded -- be prepared for that. I'll keep you updated as soon as I can. I look forward to keeping in touch with you this way.



1 comment:

Laura said...

Hey, Sarah! Good idea to do this blog. I think it will be a help to others in the future as well as a great way to blog about your experiences.

I just added a link to it in my blog ( It'll be fun keep track of your adventures next year. Very cool, very cool.

Happy day. :-)